Main / Physiological support of a child

Physiological support of a child

Ukrainian children whose normal lives have been ruined by the war need extra care and attention. Right now, it is extremely important to give them back a sense of normalcy, to relieve a post-traumatic stress during the war. The resumption of systematic studying is a necessary step, but the support of specialists is no less important. The experience should not remain an insurmountable trauma for the rest of child’s life.

The psychologist of the school works in several directions:


1. Individual support of children in need of help: consultations, work with parents, teachers’ training. 

Such work helps: 1.1 bring children back to the sense of stability, relieve stress, get rid of fear, confusion and depression;
1.2 adapt well to school, form friendly relations and interaction in the classroom;
1.3 parents and schools to establish cooperation and work as a team;
1.4 teachers to provide with an individual approach to children, to understand and control individual progress, to create tools for effective learning.

2. Development of emotional intelligence.

Conducting weekly mini-trainings for students, starting from the 1st grade, aimed at IQ. This work is an excellent prevention of bullying and develops the following skills in children:2.1 understanding of their own emotions, control over their expression, the ability to explain them;
2.2 recognizing the emotions of others;
2.3 develops leadership skills;
2.4 builds empathy and tolerance.



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