Main / The weekend studio

The Weekend Studio

(project 2022)

These days many Ukrainian families are finding shelters in different places around the world. But our spiritual unity, care and love to the Motherland has always been the main factor that united Ukrainians wherever they’ve gone


Ukraine engulfed by cruel and full-scale russian aggression. Our DEFENDERS are showing unbelievable fortitude fighting in the most ruthless war of the 21st century. The whole world is talking about us and admiring the braveness of people in Ukraine.
Knowledge space invites kids and teenagers to join our educational meetings about Ukraine. Going through the pages of history, we will learn about identity, about Ukrainian cities, heroically fighting with russian invaders.
WE MUST KNOW OUR HISTORY! Our knowledge is our main weapon now! And the victory is our single chance to get real INDEPENDENCE, our Future.


We strive for all the Ukrainian people abroad to keep and save national identity. Young generations’ education helps us to save ethno-cultural identity. Our power is in our intelligence, in deep sense of belonging to Ukraine.
Many parents want their kids not only to know their mother tongue and love Ukraine but, also, to be familiar with the culture and history of their Motherland.
This is our major goal.



  • Illustration

    “Ukraine: in the past and now”

    Teacher – Nadiia Chaika

    Interesting facts about Ukraine. Ukrainian regions, culture, historical and cultural monuments, traditions. What are the main differences (national clothes and traditions) and similarities (love to Motherland, desire to fight the enemy) in different regions of Ukraine? What did the definite regions look like before the wartime? What do they look like now?

  • Illustration

    “Ukraine will win: Geopolitics and invincible Ukrainians”

    Teacher – Anna Nikitchuk

    Ukraine in geopolitics. Place of Ukraine on the world map. What does the term “politics” mean, and who “plays main roles” in it? What are the political interests of Ukraine? Can every country be called a state, and vice versa? What is the “new face” of Europe?


Always happy to answer your questions!

Mailbox for questions about the legal aspects of work or the need for psychological counseling.

Also, contact us if you want to offer a topic for discussion to the educational community. Please write to us on the au.gro.ecapsegdelwonk%40erahs.
We will definitely give an answer. All the consultations are free of charge.