Main / English speaking club

English speaking club

School without Walls provides good education to ESL students.


Native Speakers in School Without Walls 

All our English teachers are qualified professionals who know modern methods and strategies in teaching English. Moreover, we cooperate with the teachers- native speakers from USA. They perform conversation clubs with our students weekly.
At these lessons kids have the opportunity to boost their vocabulary and improve speaking skills in English while having discussions onto different up- to - date topics. And, of course, communication with American native speakers has very positive impact onto our students' knowledge and skills in English. Kids are really interested and motivated to learn the language and, also, they can chat with peers sharing their thoughts and emotions during their weekly meetings.

You can, also, meet our teachers and find out more about them.

This is Karen. She lives in Madison, USA.
As you could notice, Karen has a big family. She adores animals, gardening and hiking. And, of course, she feels happy when she works with kids teaching them English, in particular. Every week on Wednesdays Karen meets our students at her conversation club to develop their speaking skills and improve pronunciation in English.



Always happy to answer your questions!

If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please contact us in any convenient way.

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